“Shovel the Driveway”

At home

Not alone

Monotony, distraction, decays

Shovel the driveway, he says

Okay, okay

Thick leather boots

Soft black coat

Denim and cotton armor me

Dry white sand on black stone

To be won.

It’s cold, nothing is done.

Push and push

Lift and throw

Scrape and chip


Black shows through,

but it is not clean.

Push and push,

Lift and throw

Scrape and chip

Obsession for snow.

Cold, focused, alone.

Calm in the air, in my heart.

In childhood a chore,

Reluctant even now I go,

Pleasure and soul found.

It’s done; pure black.

Thin lines of white in the wrinkles.

I am done,

I am proud,

of such a simple task.

The best looking driveway on the street.

My escape, from home.

Now inside, I return.

To what? He is gone.

My escape, a good?

I thought, but I’m wrong.

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